
Lucky Dog

Created by Evan Gibbs

A colorful dice game where the dog always wins! Light on rules with four ways to play

Latest Updates from Our Project:

See what our doggy dice game is going to look like! 🐶
12 months ago – Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 09:13:39 AM

Exciting update!

Hello! I hope you are doing well!

I know it's been a little while since our last update (we have been traveling quite a bit) but we have something really exciting to show you!

We've been working with our manufacturer to get a proof made (a version of the game for us to check over before okaying production) and they sent over a video of what it looks like! They will be sending us the copy soon for us to get our hands on but I thought I'd share some clips of how it's going!

Definitely let us know what you think. We are super excited about it!

Thanks again for your support in making this game a reality! It's feeling more and more real every day. \o/


That's a wrap!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 03, 2023 at 06:55:10 PM

The Kickstarter has finished!

Thank you so much everyone!! With your help we raised 177% of our goal!! 🎉

Holly and I were watching the countdown to the end of the campaign and talking about how great it was. Thank you for making it special 😊

What's next?

A few things! First off we're going to be working with our manufacturers, putting the art files together and getting some samples made to test!

If you are a backer who got a custom copy, look out for an email next week with some details!

We'll be working on getting a pledge manager together in the next few weeks. Make sure to keep an eye out for it so we can collect your mailing address and complete your order!

Thank you!

I KNOW I say thank you all the time but we really could not make this game without your help. Y'all are the best and we're so excited to get this game made and in your hands!! I know everyone wants to roll some dice and make some dogs happy. 🐶

So once again, thank you!


The inception of our dice game 🎲
about 1 year ago – Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 09:56:51 AM

Hello there! I hope you are having a great start to the weekend! 🐶

The campaign is going so well! Thank you so much for your pledges. We were super excited about funding on day one! 🎉

A doggy birthday

I thought I'd talk a little bit about how this game came to be! 

Holly and I were playing a lot of Yahtzee during our coffee breaks. I was wondering if there was a way to turn Yahtzee into a game where your decision points are different every turn. 

I started playing around with using a deck of cards instead of a pad, and it developed into this fun, quick, little doggy dice game! I designed the whole deck of cards and rules and gifted it to Holly for her birthday (complete in prototype style paper cut outs in card sleeves!)

Holly really enjoyed it and it became our new coffee break game. As we were playing it, we tried to make it co-op and were having a blast with it! At that point, Holly said this should definitely be a game we produce (not all my designs are hits, hah). She almost immediately started doing artwork for it. 

I started bringing it to playtest sessions with friends and other designers, tweaked some numbers, tried even more modes of play (a couple more stuck!) and eventually got to the whole Lucky Dog game that we have today. :)

We ended up gifting a prototype copy to Holly's Dad for Christmas. He loved it so much that ever since then he'd asked me about this Kickstarter almost every time I saw him. That meant a lot to me! Funny enough, it was actually his pledge that tipped us over to being funded! So a big shout out to Bruce! 🎉

That's how we got to we are today! I wanted to thank you again for your pledges and shares! We're so grateful and can't wait to bring this game to life and get it into your hands!


Lucky Dog is funded!!! 🐶🎉
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 08:02:57 PM


We funded on our first day!! Thank you so much for making this happen! Lucky Dog is officially going to be a real game!!

We definitely weren't anticipating funding so quickly! We received so many generous pledges from you today and it means so much that you believe in us and our game.

We'll have more updates as the campaign continues, but for now we just wanted to say THANK YOU! We are so excited and touched.

-Holly, Evan and Scout 🐶